Friday, February 11, 2011

2010 was better than 2009 and we have high hopes for 2011 (so far so good!). That's the great thing about life; it just keeps getting better. Some wonderful things happened for our family this past year, not the least of which was the arrival of our little bundle of sweetness, Miss Vivian Anne Thompson. She was born right here at home in what was nothing less than a miraculous and life-changing experience. She continues to bless our lives and be an absolute ray of sunshine. We couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more cheerful, pleasant, adorable girl.

Our sweet Sam is a wonderful big brother, even if he occasionally can't resist some rather aggressive hugging and squeezing from sheer cuteness overload. He loves playing with Vivian and showing her toys and telling her about the world around her and she adores him.

Sam is active and bright and so much fun to be around (unless sleep or food have not arrived at their regularly scheduled times). He loves helping his dad and knows the names of all his dad's tools. He memorizes poems and scriptures and delights us with his silly jokes. He's very much an explorer and a builder and we're all looking forward to springtime when we can take much of our play outside again.

Amy keeps herself busy, often to a fault; it seems there are never enough hours in the day for all the things she wants to learn and do. She stays connected to the outside world through her blog Progressive Pioneer and enjoys the creative exercise of writing as well connecting to other parents. She was interviewed on the local news station and the blog was named one of 2010 Top 50 Mom Blogs. So far, no movie deal though. One of her favorite newly acquired hobbies is knitting and she knit up a fine pair of Christmas socks for Clay, something he'd been asking for since before they were married! She also enjoys writing for edibleWasatch Magazine and seeing Clayton's illustrations accompany her work.

Clay's very own furniture business has kept dinner on the table and continues to grow and become more well-known. He enjoys collaborating with his brother, cousin and friends and the chance to bring his own designs to life. He loves being able to work from home in his shop. It's a treat for him to be able to walk out the back door and across the lawn to his shop. At the back of the shop (in between the chicken's house and the shop) is Clay's pet project, the sauna. It's inches away from being done, after at least a year of work done in small increments of time as he could snatch them. Only a few more pieces of cedar to go!

All in all, life is wonderful. We enjoy living close to family (though wish that both our parents were closer!), love the ward we're in (Clay does scouts and teaches elder's quorum, Amy is on her third tour of duty in the primary presidency, but rumored to be released soon), are having fun renovating our house bit by bit, but appreciate that it's perfectly comfy and livable in the meantime. We're looking forward to spring and gardening; last year we grew a baby instead of a spectacular garden, but have high hopes for this year's crop.
We wish you all the happiest of years and would love to hear from you!
~Clay, Amy, Sam and Vivian


  1. Hey Guys! It was so fun to get your Valentine postcard! How clever! As you both are!! I loved reading your blog and getting updated on your family. Why do we live so close and not get together? I need to get your phone number and have you over sometime. You can email it to me at! Your kids are darling!!

  2. Thank you so much for sending out the valentine's card!

    I love love love Sam's nursery rhyme, oh so cute!

    Thanks for sharing and, as you know, I'll be reading your blog each and every day.

    Hope you had a fab Valentine's day xx

  3. Thanks so much for sending that beautiful valentine! It might brighten up our fridge all year long. It's been fun catching up on your blogs; you have the most lovely and light online spot.
    We're going to be in town Mar 11-17; we'll stop by if we have a moment!
